Believe It

It is easy to discard, and say a goal is hard,
If everything is easy, then what does a goal mean?
If it means something to you, why do you wait?
Take the leap and try, You’ll get it! Believe it!

It is unfortunate when no one understands you,
And refuses to see it, and discards your work.
Don’t give up, and still proceed forward,
Be strong and trust yourself! You’ll get it! Believe it!

The journey to your goals is quite hard no doubt,
The trials and tribulations are quite a lot.
But in the journey, you’ll get more than you ask,
I have been there, and you’ll be there too! Believe it!

When broken or sad, it is human to cry,
But you whining and complaining, won’t get you far.
Resist the defeat and overcome your pain,
And do smile! You’ll get your goal soon! Believe it!

In the cold silence, search all your feelings,
Reflect upon them deeply, and the answer will be clear.
For your resolve will be strong, when you have a purpose.
With that walk, boldly! You’ll win! Believe it!

The world may say, a lot about you,
But deep down, you have the potential.
And a light so bright, that outshines the stars,
Bask in the light, and you’ll be happy! Believe it!